Monday, November 17, 2008

Internet Marketing Is A Very Interesting Thing

Some beginners including myself do find it hard to get started on internet marketing which is to make your 1st dollar online because in general it is really difficult to focus on just 1 or 2 aspects of internet marketing like blogging or content marketing. According to most internet marketing experts, it is important to grasp the fundamentals of internet marketing before you actually decide to target a niche as the different concepts are actually inter-related which mean that doing blogging might include knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO). Hey wait! what are all the jargons you are using?

Talking about search engine optimisation (SEO), let me share my own experience with you. In a nutshell, SEO is about getting the best rankings in search engines, thus driving the maximum traffic to your own sites. Without traffic, even the best designed site will fall to pieces. To be frank, when I first started my personal blog, I did not know that one had to optimise your site for search engines. Today, if you search for 'leoncreations' on google search engine, my personal blog will come up top even though I am not on a top level .com domain (ya I am on Wordpress, recommended for people starting their 1st blog). So what actually happen? I believe that SEO has a big part to play and that there are a few important things to take note if you want your site to rank high and to drive traffic to your sites. I will reveal these points and more when I get going doing research on SEO, see you in my next post!

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